Install Ios Sdk

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See full list on The Mobile Ads SDK for iOS utilizes Apple's advertising identifier (IDFA). The SDK uses IDFA under the guidelines laid out in the iOS developer program license agreement. You must ensure you are in compliance with the iOS developer program license agreement policies governing the use of this identifier. To install the Places SDK for iOS, see Get Started with the Places SDK for iOS. To update the API for an existing project, follow these steps: Open a terminal and go to the project directory containing the Cartfile. Run the carthage update command. This will update all of the APIs specified in the Cartfile to the latest version. May 14, 2010 Installing the iPhone SDK. Once the file is finished downloading, launch the installer and follow the onscreen installation instructions. Remember that a sizable amount of disk space will be used to install Xcode and iPhone SDK. Download the iOS SDK as a static framework. To verify the integrity of the SDK static framework download, click here. Unzip the file you just downloaded. Drag the AppsFlyerLib.framework and drop it into your Xcode project. Make sure Copy items if needed is checked.

  1. Install Xcode And The Ios Sdk
  2. Ios Sdk Windows

Twilio Programmable Voice SDK for iOS allows you to add voice-over-IP (VoIP) calling into your native iOS applications.

iOS 14 Compatibility Notice

For iOS 14 compatibility, please upgrade to the latest Voice iOS 5.5.1 SDK.

iOS 13 Compatibility Notice

Apps using versions 2.0.x, 3.x, and 4.x may fail to register for incoming calls when running on iOS 13. We recommend you upgrade to 5.0 release. Please refer to this advisory and this GitHub issue for more information. Check our migration guides when planning your migration to our latest SDK.

For step-by-step instructions to get up and running with the iOS SDK for Programmable Voice, check out the quickstarts for making calls from your native iOS apps in Objective-C and Swift.

The Programmable Voice SDKs are released according to semantic versioning, so you should always note both the major and minor versions of the SDKs to maintain API compatibility with your code. For versions 1.0 and higher, minor versions will not break existing integrations, but during a beta period, minor version increments in the 0.x range represent breaking API changes. Patch level releases - 0.0.x - represent non-breaking changes during a beta.


In the Programmable Voice SDKs we use a new authentication/authorization mechanism for your application server to give your clients access to your voice applications. This is done by providing your app an Access Token, which governs the client application's authentication session with your account in the Twilio cloud. Access Tokens are different from the Capability Tokens used in the previous versions of Twilio Client. Using a Capability Token in the Programmable Voice SDK will not work. Access Tokens, just like Capability Tokens before, are JWT tokens, but are using a new, more flexible format that is used across all the new Twilio SDKs.

Management Console

What is a default browser. Developer tools and configuration options for Programmable Voice can be found in the Programmable Voice Dashboard. Use the console to create TwiML apps, update push credentials, view logs, and much more.

The Programmable Voice SDKs are released according to semantic versioning, so you should always note both the major and minor versions of the SDKs to maintain API compatibility with your code. For versions 1.0 and higher, minor versions will not break existing integrations, but during a beta period, minor version increments in the 0.x range represent breaking API changes. Patch level releases - 0.0.x - represent non-breaking changes during a beta.


  • Xcode 12.0+
  • Swift projects must use Swift 4.0 or higher
  • Support for iOS 11.0+


The iOS Voice framework can be installed using Swift Package Manager, CocoaPods or manually, as you prefer.

Swift Package Manager

You can add Programmable Voice for iOS by adding the repository as a Swift Package.

In your Build Settings, you will also need to modify Other Linker Flags to include -ObjC.

As of the latest release of Xcode (currently 12.4), there is a known issue with consuming binary frameworks distributed via Swift Package Manager. The current workaround to this issue is to add a Run Script Phase to the Build Phases of your Xcode project. This Run Script Phase should come after the Embed Frameworks build phase. This new Run Script Phase should contain the following code:


It's easy to install the Voice framework if you manage your dependencies using CocoaPods. Simply add the following to your Podfile:

Then run pod install --verbose to install the dependencies to your project.

Manual Install

TwilioVoice.xcframework is distributed as a dynamic iOS framework that you can drag and drop into your existing projects.

  • Download the Voice framework here.

Once you've downloaded and unpacked the XCFramework, navigate to your Xcode project's General settings page. Drag and drop TwilioVoice.xcframework onto the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section. Ensure that 'Copy items if needed' is checked and press Finish. Ensure that 'Embed & Sign' is selected.

In your Build Settings, you will also need to modify Other Linker Flags to include -ObjC.

We recommend that you start with our Getting Started guide to get a sense of how all these components fit together. The Quickstart app is set up to manage dependencies with CocoaPods, but you can also install the frameworks manually, as described above.


Carthage is not currently a supported distribution mechanism for Twilio Voice. Carthage does not currently work with .xcframeworks as documented here. Once Carthage supports binary .xcframeworks, Carthage distribution will be re-added.

Static Library

Voice is also available as a static library.

  • Download the Voice static library here.

Once you've downloaded the static library, drag and drop the libTwilioVoice.a, libboringssl.a, and the include folder into your Xcode project. This will add the static libraries to the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Contents section.

There are a few more things you'll have to add to make the library build with your app:

  • Add -ObjC to the Other Linker Flags
  • Add these frameworks to the Linked Frameworks and Libraries section: SystemConfiguration, AudioToolbox, AVFoundation, CoreTelephony, PushKit and CallKit.

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We all do sometimes; code is hard. Get help now from our support team, or lean on the wisdom of the crowd browsing the Twilio tag on Stack Overflow.

The Jitsi Meet iOS SDK provides the same user experience as the Jitsi Meet app,in a customizable way which you can embed in your apps.

Sample applications using the SDK

If you want to see how easy integrating the Jitsi Meet SDK into a native application is, take a look at thesample applications repository.


There are 2 ways to integrate the SDK into your project:

  • Using CocoaPods
  • Building it yourself

Using CocoaPods

The recommended way for using the SDK is by using CocoaPods. In order todo so, add the JitsiMeetSDK dependency to your existing Podfile or createa new one following this example:

Replace JitsiMeetSDKTest with your project and target names.

Bitcode is not provided in the prebuilt SDK, so turn it off for your project.

The SDK uses Swift code, so make sure you select Always Embed Swift Standard Librariesin your project.

Since the SDK requests camera and microphone access, make sure to include therequired entries for NSCameraUsageDescription and NSMicrophoneUsageDescriptionin your Info.plist file.

Install Xcode And The Ios Sdk

In order for app to properly work in the background, select the 'audio' and 'voip'background modes.

Last, since the SDK shows and hides the status bar based on the conference state,you may want to set UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance to NO in yourInfo.plist file.

Building it yourself

  1. Install all required dependencies.

  2. Build it:

After successfully building Jitsi Meet SDK for iOS, the 2 resulting XCFrameworks will be in the ios/sdk/out directory.


JitsiMeet is an iOS framework which embodies the whole Jitsi Meet experience andmakes it reusable by third-party apps.

To get started:

  1. Add a JitsiMeetView to your app using a Storyboard or Interface Builder,for example.

  2. Then, once the view has loaded, set the delegate in your controller and loadthe desired URL:


JitsiMeetView class

The JitsiMeetView class is the entry point to the SDK. It a subclass ofUIView which renders a full conference in the designated area.


Ios Sdk Windows

Property to get/set the JitsiMeetViewDelegate on JitsiMeetView. 3ds max alternative for mac.


Joins the conference specified by the given options.


Leaves the currently active conference.


The localParticipant leaves the current conference.


Sets the state of the localParticipant audio muted according to the muted parameter.


Sends a message via the data channel to one particular participant or to all of them.If the to param is empty, the message will be sent to all the participants in the conference.

In order to get the participantId, the PARTICIPANT_JOINED event should be listened for,which data includes the id and this should be stored somehow.

Universal / deep linking

In order to support Universal / deep linking, JitsiMeet offers 2 classmethods that you app's delegate should call in order for the app to follow thoselinks.

If these functions return NO it means the URL wasn't handled by the SDK. Thisis useful when the host application uses other SDKs which also use linking.

And also one of the following:


This delegate is optional, and can be set on the JitsiMeetView instance usingthe delegate property.

It provides information about the conference state: was it joined, left, did itfail?

All methods in this delegate are optional.


Called when a conference was joined.

The data dictionary contains a 'url' key with the conference URL.


Called when a conference was terminated either by user choice or due to afailure.

The data dictionary contains an 'error' key with the error and a 'url' keywith the conference URL. If the conference finished gracefully no errorkey will be present.


Called before a conference is joined.

The data dictionary contains a 'url' key with the conference URL.


Called when entering Picture-in-Picture is requested by the user. The app shouldnow activate its Picture-in-Picture implementation (and resize the associatedJitsiMeetView. The latter will automatically detect its new size and adjustits user interface to a variant appropriate for the small size ordinarilyassociated with Picture-in-Picture.)

The data dictionary is empty.


Called when a participant has joined the conference.

The data dictionary contains information of the participant that has joined.Depending of whether the participant is the local one or not, some of them arepresent/missing.isLocalemailnameparticipantId


Called when a participant has left the conference.

The data dictionary contains information of the participant that has left.Depending of whether the participant is the local one or not, some of them arepresent/missing.isLocalemailnameparticipantId


Called when audioMuted state changed.

The data dictionary contains a muted key with state of the audioMuted for the localParticipant.


Called when an endpoint text message is received.

The data dictionary contains a senderId key with the participantId of the sender and a message key with the content.


JitsiMeetView will automatically adjust its UI when presented in aPicture-in-Picture style scenario, in a rectangle too small to accommodate its'full' UI.

Jitsi Meet SDK does not currently implement native Picture-in-Picture on iOS. Ifdesired, apps need to implement non-native Picture-in-Picture themselves andresize JitsiMeetView.

If delegate implements enterPictureInPicture:, the in-call toolbar willrender a button to afford the user to request entering Picture-in-Picture.

Dropbox integration

To setup the Dropbox integration, follow these steps:

  1. Add the following to the app's Info.plist and change to yourDropbox app key:
  1. Make sure your app calls the Jitsi Meet SDK universal / deep linking delegate methods.

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